As you probably noticed, I dont update this blog anymore, however I am still barefoot, double shackled and imprisoned at PRISON ONE, under a life sentence, so I will be around for a while.

I am currently posting updates every week at https://www.patreon.com/Facility5

No more BLOG? Maybe…

I spoke with Six today and he had great news, he was allowed to choose 2 sites for whitelisting in the prison firewall.

He chose the obvious, since he is making video, Youtube and Patreon, both outlets for his videos and images from prison.

I have gone back to work and I am not willing to relay messages from him to the blog for now.

If you want to keep up with his project, you will have to ask questions on his videos in comments at youtube or patreon.

He will only be posting blog updates to the Patreon page, https://Patreon.com/Facility5 and only patrons will be able to see them.

I think this is fair, he has already given hundreds of videos and about a million words for free and now that we need him to be locked up for as long as possible as he tries to get permission to interview prisoners, we need to cater to those who support the project from here on.

He is allowed to post entries on Patreon, as well as member only photos and videos from his prison cell.

Once they finalize his vlog permissions, its likely he will be able to show his life in the cell in much more detail, so it should be pretty exciting for those who are interested in his imprisonment.

These are exciting times, after waiting so long, its actually starting to happen, we would love to have you along for the ride!

Toe people in prison!

You all know that I love toe people! I am not sure if he wanted me to post this or not, he just sent it to me.

He is sitting at the foot of the top bunk in his cell in this photo, this is the approved location for the VLOG.

He is working on it, he wants to keep it short and to the point.

His new cell looks comfy. 🙂

His feet are so filthy and I know from experience by how bright it is there, they are probably black in real life.

Oh, by the way, this was taken from his VLOG camera, they delivered it with breakfast this morning. 🙂

VLOG Permission Granted!

Its weird, the last time I spoke to Six, they had moved him into the punishment cells, he was in solitary confinement and admin told him that he would be moved to consolidated confinement after a week in solitary.

They also told him that he had 22 points in his file and because of his punishment status, that would be double punishment and that he would not only have to spend the last 3 weeks of his quarantine in consolidated confinement, but he would have to serve another 44 days as well.

He was pretty pissed off, because they also told him that they had released his cell to another prisoner and that after spending 65 days in consolidated confinement, he would go back on standby for another lower level luxury cell.

It was not looking good at all!

I emailed our contact with a complaint and she never replied to my email.

Then suddenly today, they pulled him out of solitary, he thought they were going to move him to consolidated confinement, but instead they told him he had a meeting with legal scheduled, which is weird because previously, he was only allowed a hearing with legal after he got to his regular cell, they wouldnt hear him while in the punishment cells.

He just sent me this email from prison:


Hey, I am super excited, they pulled me from solitary confinement in the punishment cells and took me to a hearing room. I stood with filthy bare feet on a footprint authentication panel with nothing on but a paper punishment gown and no underwear, as I looked down in the mirror beneath my feet and then up at the desks that are raised up so those who sit up there are looking down at me.

Of course from that vantage point, as I am standing on a mirror, they can see right up my gown… I am wearing the permanent shackles and punishment restraints.

I am standing there for what feels like hours, wondering if there was a mistake because I dont normally have hearings with legal while in the punishment cells, the glass panel I am standing on heats up like they always do when standing on them for a long time as I start leaving sweaty black footprints on the glass, hoping that I can muddy up the glass enough to block direct view of my crotch.

They lawyers finally come into the room, 4 older men and 3 younger female secretaries or paralegals.

Its always degrading being seen like that by people who are way above my station, they are clean and wearing street clothes and the only thing we have in common is bare feet, because of the barefoot rule in the prison.

But I am filthy, chained up and wearing nothing but paper and they sit on pedestals which is designed to make us feel small as we stand on the footprint authentication panel.

I have been to these meetings before, so I know what to expect as they watch my videos and read my blogs and make fun of me and threaten me with punishment for saying things that I wasnt supposed to say.

These guys are the reason that I have to serve 44 days in consolidated confinement and I am sure at this point they dragged me from the punishment cells to add more days to my punishment.

They start out as usual, going over a video I posted and so far this meeting is going exactly as expected as they degrade and insult me before threatening more punishment.

This goes on for about 3 hours, and I have been standing on this hot footprint authentication panel for a couple hours before that. I am tired and hungry and at this point, I just want to go back to my punishment cell, expecting that they would be moving me consolidated confinement for a 65 day stay with additional time for standby again.

But then its like someone flipped a switch, suddenly they are being nice, well nicer than usual anyway.

One of the lawyers petitioned to allow audio only vlogs to begin, then another lawyer mentions the luxury cell, I dont remember exactly what he said, but he eluded to me being moved to a luxury cell after this meeting.

I am getting super excited, but I am still a little skeptical, is this just another tactic to degrade me further, getting my hopes up, then having the staff take me back down to the punishment cells and put me in consolidated confinement?

Well, I continue to listen, because I am not allowed to speak unless asked a direct question as they talk amongst themselves.

then a 3rd lawyer suggests allowing video, but restrict it for now, to just a corner of the cell, until we work out the logistics and rules.

I thought, no way in hell are they going to allow this so soon, but then the other 3 lawyers agree and write it down. They set a limit, I can do a VLOG from my new lower level luxury cell, but I can only show the corner of the back of the cell at the foot of my cell bunk.

I honestly dont know if it was the hunger, the fact that I had been standing motionless on a hot glass panel for 5 hours or the shock of all this finally coming to fruition, but I felt like I was going to pass out.

But I am still a little skeptical, but they seem to be actually planning all this as they write it down.

They hit the wooden hammer down and walk out without a single word from me.

The staff come a little later, after they had left to take me back to the punishment cells, this is when I realize they were just messing with me and now I was going to a consolidated confinement cell with added punishment days.

But when we get back to the punishment cells, they take me to processing and give me a uniform, I rip the paper off and slip on grey leggings, grey long sleeve shirt and the long t-shirt and they escort me back up the stairwell of foot torture, across the parking structure to the main building.

Once I am through the glass door, Mother instructs me with a map to my new cell. This is another lower level luxury cell, not the one I was in before, but its really close to the one I was in.

I make my way and slide the barred door shut behind me as I step on to the footprint authentication panel in my new cell.

Later in the day, they delivered my ipad to the cell, but no camera…

I checked the terminal in my cell for deliveries and it looks like the little camera, not my main camera, will be delivered tomorrow.

So, its actually starting to happen, i am still on quarantine, but I am back in a lower level luxury cell and I have my ipad.

I am including pictures and if you are seeing them now, then they were obviously approved by staff, because I wouldnt be able to send them otherwise, so I guess this is a test.

These are pictures of what my feet look like after being in the punishment cells, then walking the halls of the prison to my new cell. the floor in here is filthy with black footprints left by the previous prisoner, so clearly no one cleaned it before putting me inside, but its still awesome.

The lighting in here is bright, so my toes are not as black on camera, but this is shot while standing on the tiled floor of my new luxury cell.

I hope they dont get mad, these are technically not in the corner of my cell at the foot of my bunk, but I think the spirit of the restriction is to not show anything in the cell that might be restricted later, I am pretty sure these images dont show anything that will be restricted by the final ruling.

I hope to get my camera tomorrow, they are only allowing me to submit one vlog per week, I still dont have whitelist on firewall, I will have to edit the vlog and submit it to legal, one of the paralegal girls will view it and give me time codes for cuts.

I can only cut the submitted vlog, I cant reshoot it with the changes, so the final vlog will probably have jump cuts. If i reshoot it, then it counts as a new vlog and I wont be able to submit it till the following week.

Its a little annoying, but I am just happy they are letting me vlog so soon, after what admin told me, I was expecting another 3 or 4 months in consolidated confinement, and here I am in the luxury cell. I didnt even have to complete my 30 days in quarantine.

I am still flagged for quarantine, which means I cant leave my cell, not even for mandatory labor, so the next 3 weeks is going to be pretty chill. 🙂

Last day of freedom…

Less tan 24 hours, I will be on my way back to prison…

Mixed feelings, part of me wants to go back, the other part wants to stay home.  In a normal situation, I could just go home when I was done with it, but knowing that I wont have the option to go home.

But of course i dont have a choice not to go either, so I guess it doesnt matter, but doesnt change how I feel, which seems to be normal for this kind of thing.

There has been some questions about what I will be wearing when I get back to prison, so I am going to sum it up here from start to end.

Transport wear:  Facility 5 requires prisoners to arrive at the administration building wearing nothing but a t-shirt and jeans, no underwear, no shoes, no socks.  They do allow flip flops to be worn if you are arriving as a voluntary prisoners, since you cant get on a plane with bare feet.

But when transported by car, I am expected to leave, wearing t-shirt and jeans, along with transport restraints.  This is optional since I am being transported by my girlfriend, instead of a contracted 3rd party transport agent as before.

So, when I leave tomorrow morning, all that I will be wearing is a t-shirt, jeans and the permanent shackles that were welded on during my first processing.

When I arrive at the administration building, they will put me in a holding cell, I will be wearing what I arrived in, they might have me in transport restraints while in holding, last time my transport restraints were left on, but since I wont be arriving in transport restraints, I might not have to wear them.

The holding cells are tiny, about 4ft by 4ft with a plexi glass front, inside is a little wall mounted bench, a thin metal divider with a metal toilet/sink behind it, mounted to either the left or right wall.

Its very confining, but at least you can see out into the hall and the prisoners in the cells across the hall.

They will keep me in that holding cell until all 10 holding cells are filled.

They will remove us from those holding cells and chain us together by our ankles in groups of 5, before taking us to the lower level parking structure, where they will pack us tightly into a cage in the back of a van for about 8-9 hours.

Processing: When I arrive at the prison, after being cramped in a cage for 9 hours, they will bring us into the main room to prepare for processing.  With us still chained together by our ankles, they will cut our jeans and t-shirt off, so we are naked.

We will only be wearing transport restraints and permanent shackles if we arrived in them, like I will.  We will stand in a line, side by side, chained together by our ankles and naked.

Anyone who wore underwear will have them cut off and be flagged for punishment for violating dress code.

They take us of the chain, one at a time for processing, while the others remain standing.  They go down the line and give us water, since we havent had food or water in over 9 hours by this point.

Punishment Cell: After processing, they will give me a paper gown, i doubt I will get the plastic underwear option in processing, probably just the paper gown, before they take me to the old building and down the spiky stairwell of foot torture, before putting me in a solitary confinement punishment cell

I will be wearing the paper gown that all punishment cell prisoners wear with the option of plastic underwear, probably offered on my first weekly shower.

I will also be wearing the mandatory punishment restraints, which are rounded steal shackles for ankles and wrists, bolted on.  wrists connected by about 13 inch chain and ankles chained as well with a tether chain that connects my wrists to my ankles, so that they are at my waist while standing.

After, possibly 30 days in quarantine, either in solitary confinement or moved to consolidated confinement, in the punishment cells, they will pull me out and give me the standard uniform.

Standard Uniform:  All prisoners wear the same uniform while in the regular cells, however, because the uniform has changed slightly over time, its a mix of older style and newer style.

The oldest style is white leggings, white long sleeve shirt and top shirt, which is a color coded short sleeve shirt that hangs down to your knees.

I was told before I was imprisoned that the dress code was strict, but in my experience, you can wear any combination of the uniform while in your cell, even go naked if you want.

But outside of the cell, its a little grey, I have heard that you only really have to wear the color coded long shirt and can basically be naked under it, but other people have told me that you have to wear the leggings and long sleeve shirt as well, while outside of the cell.

I always wear the long sleeve shirt and leggings, along with the long shirt.

The newest uniform is a grey long sleeve shirt and grey leggings with a black stripe down the sides and black ankle cuffs, a black waist band, but you never see that part because the shirts hang down over it.

They do have some grey leggings that are lighter and thinner, I think for prisoners who are permanently shackled with shackles that fit tighter around their ankles.  I have worn those a few times and they are much easier to take off and put on with permanent shackles.

Underwear is only provided if you buy them and they are very expensive, because when you buy underwear, your prisoner ID is embroidered in them and they have to be washed and returned to each prisoner, so they build the service cost into the price of each pair.

I cant afford underwear, so I wont be wearing them, except for the plastic underwear I smuggled in from the punishment cells.

I will go into more detail on the uniform and the color coding in a vlog when I get permission to vlog from my cell.


No shaving heads:  People asking if they shave our heads, NO.  Remember this is a PAID PRIVATE PRISON, people PAY to be imprisoned there, some of them are only in for a couple weeks.

Would be pretty stupid if a corp exec goes in and comes out looking like a nazi concentration camp victim…

Last weekend of ‘freedom’

I am getting super anxious as Monday comes near, as of Monday morning I will be on my way back to prison for who knows how long.

Its going to date 3 days to get back to prison, luckily I will be transported to the administration building by my girlfriend.

Once there, I will probably be kept in holding until all 10 holding cells are filled, then packed with 9 other prisoners in a cramped cage in the back of the transport van which will take us to the prison.

Once at the prison, I will be processed, this will be my 3rd processing and its not the most comfortable situation, as they strip us naked through the process.

I will then go to the punishment cells for quarantine, which may last up to 30 straight days…

Finally after 30 days in the punishment cells, I will go back to my lower level luxury cell, which I am actually pretty excited to get back to.

Once in that cell, I should be able to begin the regular meetings with legal to finalize the rules and requirements of recording the vlogs from my cell and hopefully finalizing the procedures for interviewing other prisoners.

Once the vlog begins, my girlfriend will allow me to take donations from patreon along with the possibility of selling more merchandise.  All profits will go towards extending my imprisonment.

I have received some interesting ideas for merch, if you have any shirt designs or other ways of making money that will go towards extension, while providing something that followers my like, let me know.

Also, my girlfriend has also lifted the ban on social media, since I am going back to prison soon, so if you have any questions, now is the time to ask.

As for video, she says I have already made enough blathering videos, next video will come from the prison cell.


I have been recalled back to prison, my furlough ends on July 15th.

They are allowing my girlfriend to transport me back, but she has to have me back by the 15th or they will send a 3rd party transport agent.

They changed quarantine period from 1 week to 1 month, but I might only have to stay one week in the punishment cells and finish my quarantine in my regular cell, since its just sitting there empty right now.

But I wont be able to perform mandatory labor for a month… darn! 😛

Since I wont be allowed to leave my cell for the first month, it also means I wont be able to meet with legal to work out the details of my vlog…

The other problem is that time in the punishment cells dont count towards my sentence, so if they put me in my regular cell under quarantine, that will be 3 weeks of my sentence that will be wasted in waiting.

To be honest, I am looking forward to getting back, I have become complacent on this furlough, I need to get back to work on this project.