
I have been recalled back to prison, my furlough ends on July 15th.

They are allowing my girlfriend to transport me back, but she has to have me back by the 15th or they will send a 3rd party transport agent.

They changed quarantine period from 1 week to 1 month, but I might only have to stay one week in the punishment cells and finish my quarantine in my regular cell, since its just sitting there empty right now.

But I wont be able to perform mandatory labor for a month… darn! 😛

Since I wont be allowed to leave my cell for the first month, it also means I wont be able to meet with legal to work out the details of my vlog…

The other problem is that time in the punishment cells dont count towards my sentence, so if they put me in my regular cell under quarantine, that will be 3 weeks of my sentence that will be wasted in waiting.

To be honest, I am looking forward to getting back, I have become complacent on this furlough, I need to get back to work on this project.


12 thoughts on “Recalled

    1. When you are able can you give details about the day to day there. What’s the size of the cell, is someone in with you, how filthy is it, do you sleep on a cot or on the floor, what are the punishments etc.

      Thank you


      1. He should be posting the first vlog from prison soon, we are waiting for legal to approve it, then they will email it to me and I will post is right away. He said that his new cell was filthy with dirty bare footprints on the floor and the wall at the foot of the bunk. He is alone in the cell.

  1. Hello “SIX”
    Thank you for that little bit of news about your continuing sentence.
    What happens if you’re not back at the facility on the scheduled day?
    You’d be considered an escapee with a harsher, longer prison sentence?
    I suppose you’d choose to have your girlfriend take you to prison herself.
    In my opinion it must be hard, after this imposed break, to constitute yourself as a prisoner again, especially since you are already aware of what you will have to endure when you return. The fact that the period of sanitary isolation is not taken into account in the length of the sentence remaining to be served and makes it good news for you, 1 more month living in prison without spending any extra money ….
    I wish you a good trip back home, probably scary but also a good start to your stay in prison, before I hear from you.
    Best regards from another prisoner

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They dont mess around, I am bound by contract to return and if they didnt enforce their contracts the whole thing would collapse, so they make it very clear if I am not in custody by the 15th, they will come get me and it wont be nice. There are fines involved as well. Well, not longer sentence, but a lot of time in the punishment cells and possibly the dungeon, which technically extends my sentence, since time in the punishment cells and dungeon dont count towards time served on my sentence, and is billed after i am released from prison.

      My girlfriend is driving me back, we are going leave monday morning.

      To be honest, while I was on furlough I got used to being home, but I have been shackled the whole time, the shackles they put on me in prison are welded on, so they are still on me now, so I am still a prisoner, even at home.

      Punishment cell time doesnt count towards my sentence, so the longer I am in the punishment cells, the longer I will be in prison as a whole, in addition, punishment cell time is counted as total time served, which adds to my Automatic Administrative Extension at the end of my sentence.

      But it does cost 1/4 the cost of my current imprisonment rate to spend time in the punishement cells, its just billed after my release. But yes, it would extend my time in prison as well. But while n the punishment cells, i wont be allowed to meet with legal…



  2. Hello SIX, hello prisoner,
    I am glad for you that you can go back to prison and I am simultaneously sorry for you (and for for your followers) to read that you will not be able create your vlog from inside your prison cell, or at least your prison walls !

    Don’t forget to tell us what type of clothes they will impose this time and what type of haircut they will inflict on you

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Are you now going to be in a punishment cell ?
        And what is the difference between a punishment cell and a regular cell ?
        What are in fact the different types of cells ?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hello GF,

        I hope you can read this. Did you have any news from SIX since he went back to prison ? Is he safe there ?




  3. Alan, there are several types of cells at Facility 5, not including the ones in the dungeon, starting at the worst to best.

    Punishment Cells: 4ft by 8ft concrete cells with a solid cell door. They are filthy with black dirt and black footprints everywhere prisoners can put their feet, even on the ceiling. There is a light above the cell door, that often buzzes, and its locked inside a cage, so no matter how crazy the buzzing makes you, you cant break it. There is a floor drain in the floor, that is packed with the black dirt that is tracked in along the soles of the prisoners bare feet over the years.

    The drain was likely used in the past to wash out the cells, but its clearly not done anymore.

    There is a metal toilet/sink combo, mounted on either the left or right wall at the back of the cell.

    There is no ventalation, no heating or cooling, but the cells are underground and are always cold. The only air you get is crack under the cell door, about 1 inch tall.

    The lights are on 24 hours a day and there is a camera above the door, next to the light so they can monitor you 24 hours a day.

    These cells are terrible with one prisoner, but thanks to the addition of Consolidated Confinement after over crowding started, they can pack as many as 3 prisoners into these cells with our feet chained together to keep us more controlled and to stop us from fighting, which seems to work really well, since I havent heard of any fights since they started chaining us together.

    I will talk about the other cells later.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. To Six and GF,

    With the Global emergency lockdown continues without a definitive ending yet. It has changed the paradigm for the entire civilization and changes are formulated as it goes. It is an irony that the rest of us have joined you with the lockdown, except less the extra hardwares you have to endure.

    At present, there are 100 vlogs posted. The visits have reached 500,440 views on 06/25.
    Congratulations for your achievement!!! (0711 reached 509,282) For the past 25 months, it averages 20,000 visits per month.

    The most popular one is the May 27, 2018 “Life in permanent ankle shackles: Prison Uniform”. As of 07/11 it has reached 63297 views.

    The No. 03 in ranking or popularity is the very 1st vlog may 15,2018 “Installing Permanent Ankle Shackles”. As of 0711 it has reached 50707 views. We can take the view of this number as the basic minimum core supporters for your F5 project.

    Since the parole/furlough, the view patterns have varied. It has expanded new interests may not related to Project F5.
    The No 04 – “Changing Leggings with New Shackles”, No 05 – “Life in Permanent Shackles -Rivet Change”, No 11 – Vlog 011 New Ankle Stocks. No 14 – Vlog 008 Welded Shackles Sore Ankles.

    The above is just inferences from observations subject to further analysis and discussions.

    Echoing Alan Dorsel’s post – “Don’t forget to tell us what type of clothes they will impose this time and what type of haircut they will inflict on you”.
    Since in the most popular vlog, prison uniform was discussed extensively in the video, but so far you have not revealed any of the current styles since you have been in the lower level luxury cell wearing uniforms. Can you give us a brief run down about it? As recalled, in an earlier vlog you were told by the prisoner in contact, the uniforms are color-coded for different classifications within the F5 wall. To discuss uniforms should not be consider on the embargo list. A quote from your early blog, “the embargo period restricts me from talking about anything that has happened since my feet touched the floor of this new cell.”
    Thank you in advance for all of us interested.

    To GF,
    The following section is for GF’s eyes only, since it is not related to F5.

    A while ago, you posted briefly about a 2015 indie-film ‘Stanford P-Experiment’. The film won two major awards at the Sundance. One is for the script writing based on a book. Since then, numerous materials has been accumulated including books, papers and dvds including 2 other films. The two films were made before the book was published. One made in Germany, the other one is an action movie starring academy award winner Adrian Brody. If you are interested some further readings from academia, mass markets and lots of opinions since the failed experiment in 1971, will be happy to share with you.
    In meantime, go visit the film data website, for the details of the film and be sure to read a sample the Quote – a dialogue exchange from the film.

    Again, Congratulations to your achievement,



    1. Thank you for the break down. 🙂

      As for uniform, I went from the paper uniform and plastic underwear from Consolidated Confinement to wearing the standard prisoner uniform, the same as they sent me before I was imprisoned.

      The grey leggings with black strip and black ankle cuffs. A grey long sleeve shirt and the long t-shirt.

      I wanted to keep a piece of my Consolidated Confinement experience, so I smuggled a pair of plastic underwear out when they gave me the uniform in the punishment cells, just left the plastic underwear on when I put on the leggings.

      It was wierd going from wearing nothing but paper, plastic and shackles, for 3 months, to wearing a multi-layered cloth uniform.

      Since then, the shirts have stayed the same, but there have been some times when I had different, thinner grey leggings without the black accents and rarely white leggings that are still floating around since before they change to gray.

      I cant afford underwear, so its either plastic underwear that I stole from the punishment cells or no underwear at all.

      To be honest, I stopped wearing the plastic underwear a couple weeks after getting out of Consolidated Confinement. They are not comfortable to wear under leggings, very little air flow.

      I wore them sometimes, usually to bed, but they are not the best to work in and I had to work every single day.

      I am deliberately leaving out the color of my top shirt now, because its something I want to go into detail during my vlogs in the cell.

      The top shirts that prisoners wear is based on their current status. for instance, prisoners wear a red top shirt when they are outside of thier cells, but while in their cell, we are assigned a color for our status.

      Of course I will go into a lot more detail about uniforms and what they mean in the vlogs, hopefully soon after I return to prison.

      Liked by 1 person

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