Last day of freedom…

Less tan 24 hours, I will be on my way back to prison…

Mixed feelings, part of me wants to go back, the other part wants to stay home.  In a normal situation, I could just go home when I was done with it, but knowing that I wont have the option to go home.

But of course i dont have a choice not to go either, so I guess it doesnt matter, but doesnt change how I feel, which seems to be normal for this kind of thing.

There has been some questions about what I will be wearing when I get back to prison, so I am going to sum it up here from start to end.

Transport wear:  Facility 5 requires prisoners to arrive at the administration building wearing nothing but a t-shirt and jeans, no underwear, no shoes, no socks.  They do allow flip flops to be worn if you are arriving as a voluntary prisoners, since you cant get on a plane with bare feet.

But when transported by car, I am expected to leave, wearing t-shirt and jeans, along with transport restraints.  This is optional since I am being transported by my girlfriend, instead of a contracted 3rd party transport agent as before.

So, when I leave tomorrow morning, all that I will be wearing is a t-shirt, jeans and the permanent shackles that were welded on during my first processing.

When I arrive at the administration building, they will put me in a holding cell, I will be wearing what I arrived in, they might have me in transport restraints while in holding, last time my transport restraints were left on, but since I wont be arriving in transport restraints, I might not have to wear them.

The holding cells are tiny, about 4ft by 4ft with a plexi glass front, inside is a little wall mounted bench, a thin metal divider with a metal toilet/sink behind it, mounted to either the left or right wall.

Its very confining, but at least you can see out into the hall and the prisoners in the cells across the hall.

They will keep me in that holding cell until all 10 holding cells are filled.

They will remove us from those holding cells and chain us together by our ankles in groups of 5, before taking us to the lower level parking structure, where they will pack us tightly into a cage in the back of a van for about 8-9 hours.

Processing: When I arrive at the prison, after being cramped in a cage for 9 hours, they will bring us into the main room to prepare for processing.  With us still chained together by our ankles, they will cut our jeans and t-shirt off, so we are naked.

We will only be wearing transport restraints and permanent shackles if we arrived in them, like I will.  We will stand in a line, side by side, chained together by our ankles and naked.

Anyone who wore underwear will have them cut off and be flagged for punishment for violating dress code.

They take us of the chain, one at a time for processing, while the others remain standing.  They go down the line and give us water, since we havent had food or water in over 9 hours by this point.

Punishment Cell: After processing, they will give me a paper gown, i doubt I will get the plastic underwear option in processing, probably just the paper gown, before they take me to the old building and down the spiky stairwell of foot torture, before putting me in a solitary confinement punishment cell

I will be wearing the paper gown that all punishment cell prisoners wear with the option of plastic underwear, probably offered on my first weekly shower.

I will also be wearing the mandatory punishment restraints, which are rounded steal shackles for ankles and wrists, bolted on.  wrists connected by about 13 inch chain and ankles chained as well with a tether chain that connects my wrists to my ankles, so that they are at my waist while standing.

After, possibly 30 days in quarantine, either in solitary confinement or moved to consolidated confinement, in the punishment cells, they will pull me out and give me the standard uniform.

Standard Uniform:  All prisoners wear the same uniform while in the regular cells, however, because the uniform has changed slightly over time, its a mix of older style and newer style.

The oldest style is white leggings, white long sleeve shirt and top shirt, which is a color coded short sleeve shirt that hangs down to your knees.

I was told before I was imprisoned that the dress code was strict, but in my experience, you can wear any combination of the uniform while in your cell, even go naked if you want.

But outside of the cell, its a little grey, I have heard that you only really have to wear the color coded long shirt and can basically be naked under it, but other people have told me that you have to wear the leggings and long sleeve shirt as well, while outside of the cell.

I always wear the long sleeve shirt and leggings, along with the long shirt.

The newest uniform is a grey long sleeve shirt and grey leggings with a black stripe down the sides and black ankle cuffs, a black waist band, but you never see that part because the shirts hang down over it.

They do have some grey leggings that are lighter and thinner, I think for prisoners who are permanently shackled with shackles that fit tighter around their ankles.  I have worn those a few times and they are much easier to take off and put on with permanent shackles.

Underwear is only provided if you buy them and they are very expensive, because when you buy underwear, your prisoner ID is embroidered in them and they have to be washed and returned to each prisoner, so they build the service cost into the price of each pair.

I cant afford underwear, so I wont be wearing them, except for the plastic underwear I smuggled in from the punishment cells.

I will go into more detail on the uniform and the color coding in a vlog when I get permission to vlog from my cell.


No shaving heads:  People asking if they shave our heads, NO.  Remember this is a PAID PRIVATE PRISON, people PAY to be imprisoned there, some of them are only in for a couple weeks.

Would be pretty stupid if a corp exec goes in and comes out looking like a nazi concentration camp victim…

14 thoughts on “Last day of freedom…

  1. first of all – congratulations and good luck .. if i understod procedures and your past reports correctly, we will not hear from you for the next thirty days ..

    or longer, if your girlfriend pulls out some of the punsihment options you told us she has ..


    1. Yes, I will be under 30 day quarantine, but that doesnt even start until I get processed into the prison, so its probably going to be more like 5 weeks maybe longer.

      However, I should still get my weekly call to the girlfriend, so she could update you all on my progress and she says she will be happy to do so.

      She says that she is going to recommend Consolidated Confinement as ‘punishment’. If they are even allowing that now, I am sure they probably wont implement it until after I have been in solitary for at least a week or two, but I am kind of hoping that they do allow it, I really dont want to spend 30 days in solitary confinement. 😛

      Its so weird even saying that I want Consolidated Confinement, when originally I hated it so much and there are still a lot of things I hate about it, but after being moved in and out of solitary confinement, it was such a huge contract that made me prefer Consolidated Confinement over solitary confinement.

      There have been zero cases of covid in Facility 5 so far, which makes sense because of the separation of prisoners from the staff.

      We only really come in contact with other prisoners on a daily basis, prisoners deliver meals to the cells, prisoners are my supervisors on my mandatory labor in the kitchen, so since we are all locked up and rarely come in contact with anyone who leaves the prison, it would be really hard for it to spread.

      However, staff does guard the punishment cells and the punishment cells will be filled with incoming prisoners, so I can understand if Consolidated Confinement is off the table. I think 30 days is a little overkill. 14 days is probably plenty, so I hope that I only have to be in solitary confinement for 2 weeks.

      There is the possibility that they might let me serve my quarantine in my regular cell, no one knows at this point.


  2. To Six and GF,
    Thank you for the reply. We all will wait patiently for the full story later in living color.

    On the eve before your GF will make a third cross country journey to “transport” you back to Five. In the past month, pandemic re-surging is more than alarm. All southern sun-belt states become hot spots for the number test positive. Houston hospitals are running out of the beds. Last Thursday AZ test positive number was No 1 in the world. FL, OK. NM and rest of 36 states with a sharp spike with new positive cases.

    At the new conference on Thursday, The Speaker of the House reiterate with 7 simple words on the cdc guideline to follow –


    Ignoring any step can collapse the entire efforts.

    For us the public at large, with lack of the facts from inside Five, any assurances they have provided to the Trusted 3rd party that the facility is safe now to take back the furlough prisoners.
    The past procedures and practices were definitely not to meet those 7 guidelines.

    One procedure is quite problematic – transport 10 people from office to facility – it is a cramped space in the van chained together for 9 hour drive without pit-stop. You have described the conditions of inside the van after arriving… Now, if this procedure is still in practice, it is most problematic for the prisoners just returned from different parts of the country to be linked together for that period of time!

    With limit time and space – not necessary to repeat other procedures here
    A week ago, your new reply in the Rivet Change vlog – “…because that mandatory labor is me working a large dishwasher where my feet are soaked with hot water for 3-4 hours every day…”
    It is difficult to visualize why your feet are soaked in water.

    So with guarded optimism, wishing your GF and you have a safe cross country journey and another step closer to your ultimate noble endeavour. Providing the legal agrees most of your proposals. See you inside F5.

    Stay Safe and Healthy,

    PS a 2-cents thought –
    Are you thinking about doing an update with your new materials for the loop you have to view umpteen times?

    Before finishing typing the above, you have posted a new note – depicting the procedures and in processing you have gone through before. Again, any indications there are new procedures to meet the cdc guidelines. This invisible virus is deadly serious with dire consequences.


    1. The machine is like a conveyer belt with slots for trays and it sprays hot water down on the floor at our feet, which is why it has a metal grate floor there, but they put a rubber matt over it, which is better, but still rough on wet bare feet. Our feet are constantly being sprayed with hot water for 3-4 hours every single day.

      So on my walk back to my cell, my feet are soaked and the soles of my feet are caked in black stain, which transfers to the floor in my cell.

      I dont work at Facility 5, I have not idea what they are doing for Covid.


      1. that does not sound very heatlhy .. i assume that the hot water is loaded with industrial detergent – among other things this should set you up for a good case of athlete’s foot

        do you get any cream to restabilize the pH of your skin and repleanish trhe fat layer that serves as protection


    1. He wont have permission to invite others, because he is public, they wont let him, because he could use it for personal gain.


  3. I like the details here. Thank you.
    I would just be naked all the time unless the cells and dungeon are cold. I bet you’re always naked in the dungeon right ?
    I have a new set of oval shackles and I’ve worn them 5 days and nights now. I could/would love to live wearing them all the time.
    I envy you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They kept him naked the first month he was in the punishment cells, I think its hot too. 🙂 They allowed him to wear a paper gown of sorts after his return from the first furlough. But he is basically naked, wearing only paper and they did allow him to wear plastic underwear. I am not going to let him ever remove the shackles he wears now, even after he is released from prison. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Do you really mean you still want to be locked up without any possibility to get to a safer place in case one of the prisoners or guards develops covid-19 ?

    Do you really mean that they leave you without the protection of an ad hoc mask ?

    Sounds crazy


    1. LOL, being locked in a prison where everyone is effectively in solitary confinement, and the only people he sees through his bars are other prisoners that work as prison labor workers. The staff who leave the prison, basically never leave the control room, so how is covid going to infect a prisoner who is completely isolated from possible infection? Prison is the safest place for him, I could get covid just going to the grocery store…

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Fisrt of all congratulation for your last day , but I have a question. You have your Youtube chanel ‘Facility 5’
    Will you make video again? The last was made 5 month ago.


    1. I didnt want him making videos this time, its a strange time and I wanted him to put all his love into me, not divide it among his fans. 😉 But he is in prison now and they just approved his vlog, we are waiting for legal to approve it, then they will email it to me and I will post it.

      Liked by 1 person

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