Last weekend of ‘freedom’

I am getting super anxious as Monday comes near, as of Monday morning I will be on my way back to prison for who knows how long.

Its going to date 3 days to get back to prison, luckily I will be transported to the administration building by my girlfriend.

Once there, I will probably be kept in holding until all 10 holding cells are filled, then packed with 9 other prisoners in a cramped cage in the back of the transport van which will take us to the prison.

Once at the prison, I will be processed, this will be my 3rd processing and its not the most comfortable situation, as they strip us naked through the process.

I will then go to the punishment cells for quarantine, which may last up to 30 straight days…

Finally after 30 days in the punishment cells, I will go back to my lower level luxury cell, which I am actually pretty excited to get back to.

Once in that cell, I should be able to begin the regular meetings with legal to finalize the rules and requirements of recording the vlogs from my cell and hopefully finalizing the procedures for interviewing other prisoners.

Once the vlog begins, my girlfriend will allow me to take donations from patreon along with the possibility of selling more merchandise.  All profits will go towards extending my imprisonment.

I have received some interesting ideas for merch, if you have any shirt designs or other ways of making money that will go towards extension, while providing something that followers my like, let me know.

Also, my girlfriend has also lifted the ban on social media, since I am going back to prison soon, so if you have any questions, now is the time to ask.

As for video, she says I have already made enough blathering videos, next video will come from the prison cell.

5 thoughts on “Last weekend of ‘freedom’

  1. Hey SBF. I think it great news you will be headed back where you belong (ie gaol) 😁
    At least the cross country trip will he more pleasant (though of course you will still be in leg irons, the GF probably won’t insist on full transport shackles as well… Or will she?
    I know time is short… But how about a short vlog of you experiences before you go back into lock down?? I think we woukd all like to hear you again!
    I also have some of your original tshirts… I wear them out occasionally… They get an occasional odd question too….
    This time it seems you may be incarcerated for a looonngg time… So enjoy freedom while you can.
    All the best.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi, “SIX.”
    I wish you a safe journey home, even though from personal experience I know that the ball of anxiety will grow with the decrease in miles to the final destination.
    This is the first time you’re not going to arrive at the prison under the escort of a bounty hunter. I imagine that when you enter the parking lot, you’ll be waited on foot by at least one guard and that the effusions and hugs with your girlfriend will be cut short by the guard handcuffing you.
    I would like to know what the rules say if you have to be hospitalized, I hope that you will not be treated like a prisoner, but far be it from me this dark idea of being in a hospital.
    In my opinion, as it will be the return of many prisoners, your wait in the triage cells will be short to very short, maybe even very quickly put in the cell van for the last part of the trip and your final incarceration.
    Enjoy the last moments of freedom and being together before being separated again for a long time.
    Thoughts of a former convict


  3. Hey SBF.

    Been reading your WordPress posts… Thanks for keeping your followers up to date. Some great insights there. (i like the thought of the bolted four way shackles in the punishment cells… I assume in addition to your normal welded shackles. One thing… I wear pretty much the same shackles as yours… And try as I might I could not get jeans on (just too thick to slide between the shackle and my ankle)… How on earth did you manage jeans for transport???)

    Just wanted to send a brief personal message…

    Good luck with your return to prison… It will be tough but it will also be great for you.

    By the time I send this you may already be on your way and incommunicado… So I guess I won’t hear from you for a while. Hopefully your lovely gf will keep us posted!!!

    Safe travels and welcome ‘home’…. At least what should be home for at least the next year or two.

    L (047591)


    1. Yea, funny, I hadnt thought about it in detail when I wrote that, but I was sticking with the normal Facility 5 requirements for transport. But the last time I was on furlough, I was transported in my usual leggings.

      To be honest, I havent even tried to put on jeans, but you are right, they probably arent going to work, I will probably have to go with leggings like last time.

      But for the sake of Facility 5 dress code, they normally require t-shirt and jeans, of course if I cant fit them under my shackles, then leggings are fine.

      We are leaving in like 7 hours, i should be sleeping. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

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