Major Update!

Supply Chain Disruptions

Thinks are changing here due to whats happening across America. As you can imagine, a lot of supplies are needed to operate a prison and those supplies have been reduced due to shortages at warehouses and reduced workforce as people either get sick or decide to self isolate to avoid getting sick.

So this has reduced the supplies being delivered to the prison. No one is starving yet, but changes are being implemented to avoid that from occurring.

Internet Bandwidth Issues

Internet has basically become useless in here as everyone is trying to video chat friends and family at the same time.

Also, 3rd parties have live video access to our cells and now that they are home a lot more, they are all watching their live feeds all day which drains the bandwidth even more.

They were planning on implementing a shift system, where prisoners would only have access during certain times of the day as well as limited cell viewing for 3rd parties, but due to the supply chain issue, they are moving towards more drastic measures.

Furloughs will soon be offered to all prisoners and 3rd parties who wish to participate…

Delays due to Staff Distancing

At first I didnt think I would want to participate in this offer, but I almost have to, because the cost of my new cell is much higher than the original cell and due to the new delay in getting the vlog approved, since I am not allowed to meet with legal, me and my girlfriend believe its the best option for me to take this furlough offer, since it will pause my sentence.


That is if they even give me the option. I broke a lot of rules the last time I was given furlough, which resulted in punishment…

But if they do allow me to participate in this furlough offer, I will be taking it.

My girlfriend is out of work right now and doesnt know if she will be going back, due to possible lay offs, I might need to help out financially, since I worked from my home studio before, it will help out if I can do that again until I am recalled back to the prison.

I dont even know if I will have that much work, but while in here, I am not getting any at all, so even if its minimal, its more than nothing. Also, my girlfriend is missing me more than ever, now that she is cooped up at home every day…

There were rumors that this might be happening and at the time, I was not ready to take that leap, since I just got into my cell after all this time, I dont really want to leave now… But as always, it really comes down to financial issues.

If they keep delaying my meetings with legal, I will be released before I get a chance to start the vlog…

I dont know why this has been such an up hill battle, but its a battle I am going to continue to fight until it happens and accepting furlough is the best way to insure the vlog at this time, since while I am on furlough, my sentence is paused, so I am not just sitting in here waiting for them schedule me for my meetings with legal…

Again, I dont even know if I will be offered furlough, but if I am, I will take it.


… I wrote this a few days ago, since they are still scheduling me 5 minutes to post these and I wanted it ready to go when they did… In fact, I had written a whole other blog post and this one replaced it, while waiting…

But they have already started the furlough offers and many prisoners have already accepted and begun processing out.

Those who have accepted furlough are having their suspension chains removed as staff are rushing to prepare them to leave.

I was offered furlough and I have accepted, my girlfriend received a PDF contract this time, to expedite the process, they arent mailing them this time…

She printed it out and signed it and scanned it to email back.

She isnt working now, so she will be driving across the country to get me.

Because of the previous arrangement, my shackles will remain on, but they have already scheduled me for tomorrow to have my suspension chain removed.

So this is happening pretty quick… The goal is for my girlfriend to pick me up next on Wednesday the 1st… Which is also April Fools day, I hope this doesnt all turn out to be a big joke on the prisoners. 😛

I should be home by Saturday the 4th…

I have mixed feelings about this, but as usual, its not really a choice for me, if I want to do the vlog, I need to pause my sentence until they are able to schedule my hearings with legal and get this shit moving forward again…

Also, while there are ample numbers of prisoners accepting furlough, it does worry me that they are taking such drastic measures in such a short period of time. With internet being spotty and the idea of starving in my cell, are things that I would rather avoid at this time…

On the bright side, I will be home and can continue the vlogs from there while on furlough again.

I am still on embargo, so I wont be able to talk about my time in the new cell, but I can talk about my time before being moved to the new cell as well as my time in the mandatory labor program.

All this has really messed up my time frame… again… But oh well, at least this delay means that the vlog will still happen… Eventually.

14 thoughts on “Major Update!

  1. “It’s always something.” Your adventure has certainly had a lot of unexpected turns so far. Eager to hear what your trip home will be like, and what furlough arrangements are waiting for you once you get home. I imagine it will be much like the last time.
    Are you aware if many will remain in the prison? Their reasons for staying might be interesting to tell, if you’re allowed.


    1. Tell me about it, I am so sick of delays, as I am sure you are as well. I just want to get this stupid vlog started already. I didnt even want furlough, but its clear now that the only way to get the vlog done is to pause my sentence, which is shorter due to the double cost of my lower level luxury cell as it is.

      By taking furlough, my sentence is paused, so when I go back, i will have about 4 months to meet with legal and get it approved, so i can get the vlog going in time to hopefully get outside support to extend my imprisonment. Its cutting it close for sure.

      I cant meet with legal until the whole quarantine shit is over, so the vlog is going no where while I am in prison and I am just eating up my sentence time.


  2. By the time you read this, you will almost be free!! Well semi free at least… But you will still be in those shackles I hope.
    You now have almost five months of imprisonment to look back on. I know there were highs and lows, hopefully you may be able to share some of them with us in the coming days.
    I look forward to the next chapter in you adventure.


    1. I am of course still in the shackles. They are still welded from the first time I was processed just over a year ago.

      I am home now and have been playing animal crossing and sex… The two not related, just my girlfriend is home 24 hours a day now and she missed me, so between gaming, we do the other thing…


  3. Hi Six and GF,

    Thank you for the update of the latest situations at Five.

    With the global pandemic emergency it has spread to all 50 states now.
    It is good FFive decided to offer option of furlough and you have decided to come home. To stay on will not accomplish anything for your project with the delays by the legal as they have urgent issues of sustainable situations at 5. With the mandatory/forced labour will further the potential exposure.
    TV Report today – 28 states’ governors have issued to stay home orders now. Some states have issued inter-state travel restriction orders.
    Hope that they are not adding extra transport restraints as last time for the road, so Six can share the driving. Have a safe trip home.

    To GF: In the Six’ Adventure Epic – For the second time, our Heroine travels across the Continent to rescue her beloved to bring him back home again. Bravo!

    Safe travel, Hurry Home, Hurry Home,


    Hurry Home, Hurry Home – lyrics from Dean Martin’s 1958 Love song Return to Me. It may be “old fashion” now, but Dean’s love song and words are timeless. youtube has several posts.


    1. My girlfriend drove me and I left the prison with my permanent shackles, a t-shirt and prison leggings. I have to remain barefoot during my furlough, which is normal.

      We didnt have any trouble getting home, the traffic was light, which really helped with my agoraphobia.

      I was able to drive much of the way.

      My goal is to do a vlog today, but I keep getting distracted by the game we are playing.


  4. Hello SIX and GF

    I guess you just made it all the way from facility again.
    I hope that everything went well for the trip and that now “Six” is back home even though of course he has to keep a double containment due to the epidemic situation and also the one imposed by the prison rules.
    Have courage and protect yourself from a confined person in France.


  5. Hello Six,
    I just started to read your Blog and look at your VLOG and it is fascinating.
    Just a few questions because there are things I do not understand (or I missed in the lot of info you gave)
    1. did you decide to go prison or did your 3r party decide in agreement with your contract ?
    2. I guess this is a private prison and no judge imposed a sentence on you, so how long do you still have to serve and how long have you already served inside the prison ? Can you give me a date when you were first processed in the prison ?
    3. when you arrived in prison, was your head completely shorn, as is usual in prisons ?
    4. how come you did not get the usual prison uniform with horizontal black and white stripes ?
    5. do you have to wear a dog collar ?
    Thanks for your comments


  6. Now that you’re home now and (I hope) rested somewhat, I’m curious about your conditions. Are they once again the same as the last time, when you were on furlough? Are you once again chained to something as before? Are you getting regular inspections again?


  7. ShackledBareFeet, are you still there ?
    I like the style and the content of your posts, but you never react to my comments.
    Why ?


  8. Hello prisoner “SIX”

    No more news on your page after your answers of April 7. I hope you are not infected.
    I hope everything is okay for both of you. Maybe you’ve heard from Prison #5 about when you’ll be incarcerated again.
    How’s life been going since you’ve come home? I think you must be under a lot of pressure knowing that the outbreak is slowly but surely subsiding, but with every day that passes it brings you a little closer to being back within the four walls of a cell.
    Let us know how you’re doing.
    See you soon.



  9. Hi Six

    Seems a long time since we have heard from you – I hope you and the GF are OK and life is going on .
    The whole virus thing has had such a massive impact on everyone and everything …
    I hope you are still in chains however and kept suitably barefoot 🙂 (Im sure that this is the case) . Also Im sure that you are pining for a nice comfy gaol cell to return to … or even back to consolidated confinement ?

    Anyways – you are of course still in your followers thoughts and we look forward to an update when you can .


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