Luxury Cell it is…

I was just informed by my contact at Facility 5 that they are converting an entire floor into plural imprisonment.

Apparently they perform prisoner evaluations on a regular basis, both mental and physical and part of that evaluation if to create a happiness index and supposedly the happiness index went up by 8%, nearly all coming from prisoners in the plural cells.

So I guess, because of the over crowding, this new happiness index and probably because they make more money, they are going to be converting an entire floor to plural imprisonment.

As regular cells come available elsewhere in the prison, they will be moving regular prisoners from that floor to the available cells elsewhere and they plan to convert all the new plural cells into luxury cells with all the nice bits and adding 2 more bunks to house 4 prisoners in a nice cell.

I have been given 3 options, move Six to plural imprisonment and triple his sentence in a quad cell with a rebate, upgrade him to a luxury cell or keep him in consolidated confinement, for the next several years…

They gave me this information before my call with him on the 23rd and we decided that because of our personal contract, the only option here is to upgrade him. I was already leaning towards that option, with the lower level luxury cell, so it looks like its going to happen.

I am working with my contact to reduce the cost as much as possible, which means he will remain on restricted level while in the new cell, its not going to be the most comfortable solution for Six, but its the only way we will be able to afford the upgrade.

I was told that he would be placed on restricted status immediately, which comes with mandatory prison labor, so he will be starting that labor shift within the next few days.

Once they work out the numbers, they will mail the new contract for me to sign. Its not certain that he will get the next available luxury cell, but I have been promised that there are other luxury cells coming available next month.

He wanted to do an update on this last call, but I want him to wait until we get all the details in order.

Dont get too excited about the vlog, they informed me that he would have to work out the logistics of that with the prison board and that will probably be at least a month before he gets a hearing and it may require multiple hearings.

He will of course be able to update by phone like he has been, but it may be a while before you can see him in his cell… However, I will have immediate access to the camera in his cell, so I will get to see him and I am really looking forward to that.

I am under strict NDA, so I wont be able to show images from that live stream, unfortunately.

7 thoughts on “Luxury Cell it is…

    1. I really would have liked to have more time to get him into a regular cell, but since that isnt possible anymore, I have no choice but to upgrade him.

      To be honest, if they hadnt made these changes, I would have kept him in consolidated confinement for at least 6 more months, in hopes of getting him into a regular cell.

      I guess its good for him that they forced my hand.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Labor or not, definitely a better place for his health. He wanted to be in prison, he’s now in prison. He is no longer in control of his fate and must accept that others such as yourself are. As Owner’s go, you are caring, and want the best for him. This new move, which will now give you video access to his cell, will help you and him move forward in his new life. You will be able to keep an eye on his health, and he will finally get to be out of consolidated confinement. Once he starts labor, he may not agree, but it is an improvement him.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, I trained him well before imprisonment, he hasnt had any freedom in a long time. šŸ˜‰

      He is already in the mandatory labor program, the moment Facility 5 agreed, he was automatically placed in the labor program and he works every single day now.

      He will have to work every day from now until he is released, I feel bad for him, but its my job to keep him locked up for as long as possible for the vlog and restricted status was something that was necessary to extend imprisonment in the luxury cell.

      Its gonna be hard on him, but I made him do chores every day before imprisonment, so it shouldnt be too bad. I just wish they werent chaining him to a female prisoner.

      I spoke to my contact at the prison, requesting that if he is pair bonded, he be switched to another male prisoner, but its some policy they have, pairing male and female prisoners for mandatory labor.

      I think its stupid, but oh well.


  2. just listened to the video update and read your post .. and this post has some comments as well as a few questions

    yes, i think that getting him into the basic luxury cell with the restricted status is the right move

    otoh prisoner 6 should not get too comfortable once he is in a luxury cell .. is there way for you to have him sent to punuishment cells or the dungeon occasionally for some time without loosing his luxury cell status – even if he is a model prisonerwith no punishments pending? just so that he realises how good you are to him for making sure he gets luxury cell

    in regards to labour, does facility 5 also offer other types of prison labour other than cleaning? things that actually are physically demanding?

    may i ask how far will the luxury cell affecct your / his financial status? might it be time now to start to give us a possibility to contribute?

    another question that occured to me are the current slepping arrangements. how does he sleep while being chained to two other? do they all sleep on the ground?, lying on their backs? do they get blankets or a sleeping pad to lie on or is it bare concrete?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have access to a prisoner web page thing, its where I will be able to view him in his cell when get gets in and on that page there are options for punishment, including punishment cell and dungeon. So I have the option to put him in either with a simple mouse click, but I probably wont. šŸ˜›

      He already has punishment points, I can see them on the page also, the page is pretty detailed, it gives me a lot of information about his imprisonment and current status.

      Based on how easy it is to get these points, he is probably going to be back in the punishment cells a couple times a week, already.

      I am not sure about the labor options, I dont have control over what labor projects he gets, not from the web page anyway. I dont think there are any outdoor labor projects, and I cant imagine a hard labor job that would take place inside the prison.

      I cant speak of the deal I got with facility 5 unfortunately, but its more expensive than I wanted. I will start up the patreon once he starts vlogging from inside the cell.

      Prisoners in consolidated confinement sleep side by side on the concrete floor, they arent given anything to sleep on or with. He said they often sleep in a spooning position and use their arms as pillows.

      Its very uncomfortable in there, they dont really sleep very well, so they nap throughout the day.

      He loves getting to sleep in that holding cell after mandatory labor.


      1. thanks for that explanations .. both about the punishment and work as well as the sleeping arrangements (i think those would drive me batty in a few nights)

        so you have quite a bit of overview and control over six .. which is good


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