Going back to prison…

My girlfriend forwarded a message from Facility 5 to me this morning and it has some bad news and some good news.


They are setting an expiration date on my furlough.  I will be arrested and transported back to be imprisoned on standby on November 1st.

They mentioned that they are recalling all furloughs, which tells me that I am not the only prisoner who is out on furlough.

So either I get a regular cell before then, or I go back into the punishment cells.


They also mentioned they are converting ANOTHER small cell block into plural imprisonment, where they are putting 4 prisoners to one cell.

This makes it clear that the rumor of a plural imprisonment cell block was true, because they said, ANOTHER.

The reason they mention it, is to also say that those quad cells are reserved for prisoners who started their contract as involuntary.  Those are prisoners who were sent to Facility 5 by their 3rd party to be punished.

Even though my status has been changed to involuntary, after being imprisoned on standby, I do not qualify for those cells.

Which is good and bad news.  Since I dont want to be put in those cells and if they did, I would be stuck in that situation for the remainder of my sentence.  This is not a temporary arrangement.

Prisoners who enter into plural imprisonment will remain in that status until release and I dont want to share a prison cell with 3 other prisoners for the next few years…

The bad part about that is that after several months in the punishment cells, I might have  change of heart and want to enter plural imprisonment and I wont be able to.


They also mention that once I am back in prison, even with the plural imprisonment, removing many involuntary prisoners from the punishment cells, they will still be over crowded and Consolidated Confinement will still be in use when I return.

My girlfriend spoke to my case worker after receiving the email this morning and has confirmed that I will be rotated through Consolidated Confinement when I return, along with all other prisoners in the punishment cells.

She also mentioned that nearly half the punishment cells are being used as Consolidated Confinement, so the prison has become far more over crowded since I left.  Luckily this plural imprisonment will offload many of those prisoners, but not enough to restore the punishment cells to equilibrium.


I am told to expect a long stay in the punishment cells when I return…

I was originally made to believe that they were pushing me up the list, but my case worker made it clear that I was the last voluntary prisoner to be accepted on standby and when I was brought in, the punishment cells were already over crowded.

So that means that all the prisoners that were in those cells, including Consolidated Confinement cells are ahead of me on the list for a regular cell.

So, apparently, I am not getting any special treatment, I have to wait my turn.

There is a possibility that they will convert another cell block into plural imprisonment and offload more involuntary prisoners who are ahead of me.

However, the fact that they mentioned that they are recalling other voluntary prisoners from furlough and since I was the last one to enter, that means that there are still voluntary prisoners that are ahead of me on the list as well.

So, to set my expectations, she says that unless they move even more involuntary prisoners in to plural imprisonment, my stay in the punishment cells will likely be several months at this point.


After all the bad news, there is an option available to me…

They are offering all involuntary prisoners, who started their contract as voluntary and then were reclassified as involuntary after accepting standby imprisonment, the option of upgrading to VIP status.

Because they have put a temporary stop on all voluntary imprisonment and because involuntary prisoners, being that they are there for punishment, are not eligible for VIP status, that leaves those cells open for one type of prisoner.


VIP status in the prison means LUXURY CELL and 2 hours out of your cell every day to hang out in the recreation area, which I have heard is on par with resort hotels.

As you can imagine, VIP status is very expensive and for me, as they make it sound like they are doing me a favor, VIP will only cost me 4 times as much as a regular cell.

So, that means that if I accept VIP status, I will likely be in a luxury cell before my furlough expires.  I will still have to go back to the punishment cells for up to 30 days, but after that time, I will be put in a luxury cell.

I spent 12 hours in a luxury cell on PPV and it was really nice in there.

However my girlfriend immediately declined the offer…

She explained that she and I have a contract which guarantees that she will do everything in her power to keep me imprisoned for as long as possible.  Being moved into a VIP cell would mean a much shorter sentence.

Apparently they have luxury cells right now that are empty and collecting dust, because my case worker went into negotiations immediately.

Clearly she wanted to use the bad news up front to up sale us on the VIP status.

Either I go back to prison and spend the next 6 months between punishment cells and Consolidated Confinement, or I get into a cell very soon with a massive upgrade.

My girlfriend ended the call with an offer of 4x cost for the current sentence we have already paid for with a promise of half price after that without access to the recreation area.

So that means, that if we except the offer and this is a big if, because it goes against my girlfriends contract with me and its up to her.

If we accept the offer, my 1 year sentence, that we have already paid for, will be 90 days in a Luxury cell with limited VIP.  After that 90 days, I will be able to extend my imprisonment at half the normal price of VIP.

I wont be allowed to leave my cell daily for recreation, but I will still have all the other benefits of VIP status in the prison and will live in a luxury cell during my stay.

I am literally begging my girlfriend to accept the offer.  It gets me into a cell much quicker and keeps me from spending, what might as well be forever, in the punishment cells at this point.

Remember, if I dont get a cell before November 1st, I am going back into standby indefinitely, with no date of getting into a regular cell.

The idea of being imprisoned in a luxury cell, even without the full VIP status, is very exciting for me.  Even if it means a shorter prison sentence, its still 90 days and its possible with help from the patreon supporters and maybe selling off some stuff, I might be able to extend that to 6 months or even longer at half VIP price.

Right now, my girlfriend is saying no, but I can tell that she is considering it and with a little help, I think I might be able to convince her to take the offer.

Problem is that they are offering the same deal to the other furloughed prisoners right now, so even though there is at least one luxury cell available right now, its possible one of the other furloughed prisoners have already accepted the offer and picked it up…

Last Slave Labor Weekend Completed…

So I started drinking vodka before I was finished with the garage labor, so I am pretty wasted now. 🙂

But it is a day for celebration, being that I have completed 4 slave labor weekends and I can still walk.

I hope you all liked this weeks video with the new ankle stocks.  Not exactly the ones I had envisioned and there will be a replacement version at some time.

So anyway, I am going to drink more and pass out. 🙂

Locks for my Ankle Stocks.

The locks we ordered seem too pedestrian for such heavy duty ankle stocks, they just make the stocks seem less imposing.  So I will be ordering a massive shackle lock, its designed to secure cargo containers and heavy duty doors.

It will make the stocks impossible to get out of, without the key and it will make them look very high security as well.

The lock is expensive, so I wont be able to order it until my next trust check, next weekend probably.

This new lock is industrial, its designed to secure remote locations, making it nearly impossible to break in, even without being supervised.


3rd Slave Labor Weekend Complete

Just finished my 3rd Slave Labor Weekend, hard labor sucks.

But at least this weekend I got to work on the ankle stocks instead of the garage.  My feet are still very sore and my girlfriend made sure that I was still being punished, so that making the stocks were far from fun.

She made me leave the AC off in my shop while working on the ankle stocks, so they were literally made with slave labor in a sweat shop.

I was dripping sweat for the entire last half of the day on Saturday and Sunday,

I made a video tonight with my feet locked into the new stocks… They arent completely finished yet.

The stocks in their current state are bolted with heavy steel bolts, but we have ordered keyed locks that will be mounted along the front and will require a key to unlock them.  A key that I will never be allowed to touch.

In addition, we will be adding toe restraints.  My girlfriend wants every toe secured and spread apart.  These implementation must be in place before my slave training in less than 2 weeks.

But for now, you can see my feet bolted into the new stocks next Saturday with very sore looking slave feet.

I was so sweaty and tired after finishing my slave labor that I took a shower and I washed my feet so I could show how red and sore they are.

Anyway, I just made that video for next weekend and I am super tired, so I am going to go to bed early.   I still have 1 more slave labor weekend and then the weekend after that will have a punishment video, showing the red marks along the soles of my feet right after Slave Training.

So weekend after this video will have two videos.  The final Slave Labor Weekend video and Slave Training aftermath video with my feet locked into the stocks.


Ordering parts for the stocks…

Ankle Stocks CU

Mixed feelings about the ankle stocks idea.   On one hand, I love ankle stocks, I wish there were more of them out there.

But it also means that it will be used during slave training and that means that the weekend after my last slave labor weekend, my feet are going to hurt again. 😛

I ordered metal plates that will go along the front today.

Will have to have my girlfriend pick up wood and hardware, since I cant walk around the hardware store with shackled bare feet. 😛

I have decided to place the ankle holes about 10-11 inches apart, works best for the video at 16:9.

Going to make the holes similar to the size of my ankle shackles, at 3 inches, I dont want them to be overly large holes, they should fit my ankles about as snug as the shackles I wear every day.

I would like to know your opinions on the first video with them.  Should I have my toes tied and spread apart so that I cant move my feet at all or free to move around?

My girlfriend is already making me install the toe restraints, for the slave training, makes it easier to hit the target if my feet cant move at all, but doesnt mean I have to use them in the first video.

Also, should my shackles be on the camera side or behind the stocks, so you can only see my feet?

The problem with my shackles on camera side is that its going to push my feet out about 2.5″, which could cause a problem with the toes restraints, being that they will likely be set up for the shackles behind the stocks.

Any other ideas are welcome as well.

The stocks will be mounted at the foot of the bed where I do my videos now, my feet will be up or down, which would you prefer for the first video?

Sore Feet

Sore Feet Crop

Shot a video, this is after a shower, got most of that garage floor stain off the soles of my feet, now you can actually see the redness from my slave labor weekend.

This is only after the 2nd weekend and I have 2 more to go…

I might post this video in the coming weeks.  I am only posting videos on Saturday from now on and I have a few other videos lined up for the slave labor updates.

Ankle Stocks

dirty shackled bare feet on glass

My girlfriend wants me to build ankle stocks for my new slave training sessions…

This means that she is expecting to need them for bastinado punishment for failing her tests.

Its probably over due, I have had requests for it in the past, just never got around to it.

I have never built ankle stocks before, but I am sure its not going to be too complicated.

What do you think, should I do videos with my feet locked into the stocks?