dirty shackled bare feet on glass

This is Six and I am writing this from my new cell at Facility 5! The theme of this update is my feet on glass, since I am using Footprint Authentication Panels all the time now.

I was moved into my new lower level luxury cell yesterday and just got white listed this morning and I can say that I am very happy to be out of consolidated confinement!

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I am currently under a very strict embargo.  While I have pre-arranged permission to contact the outside as I am right now thanks to the agreement I have with Facility 5, that pre-dates my actual imprisonment.

This arrangement allows me to blog and later vlog from my prison cell, however, the embargo period restricts me from talking about anything that has happened since my feet touched the floor of this new cell.

I am allowed to explain this further, by saying that I have been white listed for this site as well as my email web page, with outgoing data restricted to active monitoring.

This means that while I can go to these web sites and read at any time, outside of lights out, I can only send outgoing text to these sites when a staff member is available to monitor my outgoing data.

Every time I attempt to send a message through this site or my email, a popup dialog box appears on the screen that locks out my entire display with everything shaded, informing me that I am in blackout.

My entire machine is locked until a staff member releases the black out and then a new window appears, informing me that communications are currently being actively monitored.

If I type anything that the staff member doesn’t approve, my screen will lock again, and either part or all that I typed will be erased.

So I am under strict rules at this time.

I can not talk about anything new, from this point forward until I have I have had a hearing with the prison board and it must be a full board, which only meets once a month.

I have petitioned for a full board hearing, but have not been given a date yet.

In the mean time, I can talk about almost anything that has occurred before my imprisonment in this cell.  I say almost, because there are things that I am not allowed to talk about and I cant even reveal what those things pertain to.

So keep in mind that while you are able to read this, I am being censored by Facility 5.

That being said, they are being very lenient with what I can say about everything I have endured since my first day of imprisonment, mostly because most of that information is already been revealed in one form or another prior to my embargo and they cant retroactively restrict information that is already been disseminated publicly.

I am allowed to talk about my mandatory labor, because this was information that was revealed before my imprisonment in the new cell.

I can talk about the details of the 88 days of consolidated confinement… However, while I have mentioned some of the details in the past, I have felt very embarrassed afterwards, so I am probably not going to go into too much detail, except in personal emails.

Lets just say, there is a lot that goes on when you are chained by your ankles to two other prisoners in a 4ft by 8ft cell, 24 hours a day for 88 straight days… Most of which would be something I would be embarrassed to talk about before my imprisonment and that became so normalized for me on a daily basis now, that its something that I might blurt out without thinking in a vlog…

To be clear, I am not gay and being chained to male prisoners, sometimes naked,  in a tiny concrete box is not my idea of a sexual fantasy.  However when you are kept in that situation, very uncomfortable and forced together like that 24 hours a day for 88 straight days, you work it out.

So if you want details, you can email me at

Remember, I am only allowed to reply to emails when the blackout mode is released, and I do have mandatory labor every single day as well, so just because I am locked up, I may not always be able to respond immediately to emails.

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I can not go into detail, in fact, this blog was already censored with a threat to delete it all, for this part.  So I am going to try to explain this without giving details…

My current situation no longer allows for phone calls to my girlfriend, in the holding cell where I used to update you from prison.  BECAUSE THERE IS NO LONGER A NEED…

Because of the embargo, nothing but text can leave this cell, and only when approved by through active monitoring…

So read between the lines…

However, my girlfriend has already mailed all my vloging stuff to the prison.  But until I get permission from the board, all of that stuff will be held up by internal security.  So no more vlogs until further notice…

In addition, because of my embargo, I am only white listed for this site and email.  While I can go to youtube, watch videos and read comments, I can not upload video (OBVIOUSLY) or even reply to comments… 😦

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The conditions in the consolidated confinement cells are almost to the levels that they were before my furlough.  Less muddy, but same humidity and you have no idea how good it is to be out of there.

However, I am having feelings similar to when I was first released on furlough.  I think its because I got so used to the strict confinement and the constant physical contact that, now I am feeling… Its hard to explain… Because there are such conflicting feelings…

One one hand, I am so happy to be out, on the other hand, I miss the way it was before the humidity issue.  I feel a sense of loneliness and isolation with an odd feeling of missing out… I know it doesn’t make sense, but after 88 days in consolidated confinement, now that I am out, knowing that I am not going back, unless I go back for punishment, I feel like I just broke up with my girlfriend, kind of feeling.

Its weird not being chained to two other prisoners and now I am all alone in a much larger space with no one to talk to, or at least not face to face.

Being chained by my ankles to the feet of two other prisoners for almost 3 months, also creates a co-dependency on some level, my feet were always in direct contact with the feet of other prisoners, I was part of a unit and now I am just… me… alone…

I know this will pass, but I thought it would be important to express these feelings as they occur.

It sounds stupid to miss something that I also hated most of the time…  Just saying it makes me feel stupid, because it doesn’t make sense…

The loneliness is not something that I can define exactly either.  I am more connected than ever before now, with prison community system and that other thing I hinted at, being that I dont have to go to a holding cell ***CENSORED***


Blah, anyway…

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As mentioned before…  As part of my girlfriends deal with Facility 5 to get me into this cell, I had to be placed on permanent restriction.

This means that I am literally slave class in the prison and part of this enslavement requires me to perform mandatory labor.  Its filthy work, but its only about 2 to 3 hours per day, every single day.

I am technically under PLP (Prison Labor Program), so as with all PLWs (Prison Labor Workers), I will not get any days off.

Unlike a normal PLW, if I miss a day, its a major violation and I go back to the punishment cells with possible dungeon time.

So, I have to work every single day, without a break from now until I am released.

While I have been performing this labor for like a week now, yesterday was the first day I performed it from my new cell and it was WAY BETTER!

First of all, after working, I didnt have to be placed in a holding cell for several hours, then after that, I didnt have to stand on a Footprint Authentication Panel for several more hours while waiting for an escort back to the punishment cells.

So instead of before, where my 2 hour shift turned into an 8 hour pain in the ass, I was alerted to go to work and then after work, I went straight back to my new cell to rest… It was really nice, coming back to this cell after washing toilets with my bare hands, with nothing but a rag and a bucket of soapy water…

I really wish I could tell you more about my new cell, but I guess it will be better when I get permission and I can actually show you.

I am so anxious for that day and I am sure you are all very sick of waiting at this point…

I am not excited about being on permanent restriction.  Its going to make my time in here very hard.  I am already programmed to be a model prisoner, with almost 3 months in Consolidated Confinement and previous time in the dungeon, when authority tell me to jump, there is no thought involved, I do what I am told.

The problem is that even a model prisoner can accrue punishment points, which is why prisoners level 1-5 get negative points they an use to avoid punishment.  I wont have any negative points, no matter how obedient I am, every punishment point will go towards punishment.

I already have enough points to put me back in the punishment cells for 10 days, they are just hanging over my head waiting to be used by Mother, staff member or PLW that I encounter.

Mother, the computer system that basically controls the prisoners while we are in our cells, can randomly select prisoners with points and initiate punishment cell time, so even if I dont piss someone off, it could happen at any time.

From what I understand from other prisoners, that Mother doesnt go after you unless you piss her off.  One of the ways to piss her off is if you dont respond quickly to her scan requests.

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NOT NEW INFORMATION:  As I have mentioned before, prisoners are required to stand on the footprint authentication in their cells at random times throughout the day, this is usually initiated at random, by Mother.

Originally set up for training the footprint authentication system, by scanning footprints all day long and learning from its mistakes, it was kept in place, because it created a situation where prisoners were more obedient, being forced to perform tasks all day, rather than allowed to sit around and complain.

Its a form of obedience training and if you take your time getting to the panel, Mother will start looking at you for “CORRECTION”

It also keeps staff busy, since the old system required staff to verify the scans, so that the system could learn from its mistakes, nothing has changed, every time a prisoner is ordered by mother to stand on a footprint authentication panel, the system identifies them almost immediately.

However, you have to remain standing on the panel, while a live video image, along with your footprint data and personal information appears on a screen in front of a staff member in the control room.

They usually just sit there and watch the soles of your feet on the glass as your feet get sweaty because of the heat that is generated by the electronics that are hidden behind a two way mirror approximately 4 inches beneath your feet, before releasing you.

Of course, that last part is just a rumor, believed by the prisoners who often have to stand on the panels far longer than they would like.

I bring it up, because its the number one source of my punishment points, if you lift your foot off the panel for more than a few seconds, Mother gives you a punishment point for every incidence.  The longer you are standing on the panel the more incidences you have.

Almost all of my current punishment points are from footprint authentication violations, because I had to stand on the panel for hours every time I went to the main building and had to wait on a panel for hours, for an escort to arrive and take me back to the punishment cells.

There are no footprint authentication panels in the old building, where the punishment cells are located, so they have to do it the cave man way and someone has to come get you from the hold building and drag you back to the torture building…

It got worse when I started mandatory labor, because I was standing on that panel for hours, every single day.  Its very hard to stand barefoot on a glass panel that heats up to the point that your feet are sweating.

Even though you try to be quick, lifting one foot for a rest from the heat and the weight of your body, to give the sole of your foot a quick rub, 3 seconds just isnt enough time.  So you end up standing there, looking down at your shackled filthy bare feet, with your sweaty black footprints being left along with the footprints of previous prisoners on the glass.

As you can see the soles of your filthy bare feet as they become shiny and deep red color begins to appear through the black stain along your footprints, as your feet heat up and you get very sore from standing in one place for hours on end.

Prisoners refer to this long term standing on footprint authentication panels as Standing Detention and its not just prisoners being transported back to the punishment cells, it happens to prisoners every single day.

Make me wonder if there is some kind of conspiracy to use up negative punishment points in the prison, since if you only have a few incidences, its easy to wipe them out with negs, rather than have them add up to a real punishment.

Some prisoners believe that the staff place bets on prisoners while in standing detention to see how long they can go without a violation and then kept longer to bet on how many violations that they will get in the first couple hours.

Some believe that the staff are just bored or want to flex their power over the prisoners in the only way they can, since they are not allowed in the prison blocks, due to past abuses, the only way they can control us and hold power over us is through standing detention.

While some believes its just a handful of sadistic staff members who just get off on watching the soles of our feet pressed tightly against the glass as our feet get red and sore and they get pleasure from watching us squirm with the satisfaction of knowing that they own us in that moment.

There is a disproportionate amount of female prisoners who go through standing detention as well, so there may be something to it, being that its more likely that male staff are torturing female prisoners.

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Well, as you can tell, its been a long time since I was able to write about my life in here and while I cant talk about anything new, while under embargo, I am more than happy to talk about the last 3 months in Consolidated Confinement and my current feelings…

So, I very much welcome you to email me privately, I am willing to give detail of my life in consolidated confinement, just let me know how clean you want the response, because it can get pretty raunchy, fair warning.

Not every male prisoner in the consolidated confinement cells is straight…  In fact some of my best friends are gay, which is probably why I let my guard down further than I would have otherwise…



I am so happy that this is finally starting to move forward, I am so close to being able to do the vlog, its just up to the prison board now.  I am sure there will be a million rules that I will have to follow and they will have to lay down the law before I can start shooting.

2 thoughts on “MAJOR UPDATE!

  1. first of – thank you for doing this large update .. its is good to hear that things seem to be on the upswing for you (but what goes up, must come down – to the dungeon?)

    i hope you will get your dreaded hearing before the full board soon and that the embargo will be lifted

    one of the things that occuired to me about the foot print ID pannels is if the long standing time with hot soles is not intended – it might give a better contrast to the blood vessels in infrared and thus make it easier for the system to identify you under all that dirt and grime

    are you always paired to the prisoner for your work shift or is a different one? every day a different one?

    also looking forward to send you an email ..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, yes, being a restricted prisoner, the dungeon is almost as close as it was while I was in the punishment cells, so I have to be very careful.

      I still havent gotten a hearing date… 😦

      They do use infrared camera and other sensors to see through the dirt along the soles of my feet. Sweat could help it see the ridges better, but I dont know for sure.

      I am pair bonded with one prisoner, I am chained to her every day during mandatory labor. She is still in consolidated confinement, but I am not allowed to have personal conversation with her at all.

      But yea, so far, its the same prisoner that I am chained to every day. From what I understand, is that they always pair male and female prisoners for mandatory labor.

      I can only guess as to why, since when I arrive for mandatory labor, its all about work, no talking to the other prisoner or the staff member.

      Pausing to ask a question gets us both shocked with an electronic baton… So I show up, do my job as fast as possible without any pauses.


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