Comments answered… New Q&A!

I answered comments on here, answered emails and comments on youtube. My fingers are tired now…

But I have had a lot of questions and I think we need another Q&A from Six. Rather than have him talk for 3 more hours, and then me having to edit all day afterwards.

I think it would be best if you ask your questions on THIS POST… I will read the questions to him on my next call and answer them with text here.

That way I can take all his blathering and tangents and make them simple direct answers. 😉

I have a feeling that the Q&As are going to become very popular as his place in the prison changes over the next few months.

9 thoughts on “Comments answered… New Q&A!

  1. Hi love the site. One question I have is: What does his family think is going on. Seems like they would be asking questions of his absence. Especially back at Christmas time.


  2. dear GF – i think we all really appreciate your efforts for Six and for us ..

    thank you for giving so many answers and additional information!


  3. Several questions :
    1. is 6 in a private prison for which he has to pay ?
    2. what is his exact status, his exact sentence ?
    3. why didn’t he get the usual prison uniform, horizontal black and white stripes ?
    4. did he get a special headshave when he entered the prison ?
    5. how long does he still have to serve ?
    Thanks for the great job done !


  4. Dear GF,
    Prisoner 830506 seems to be in prison for a very long time. Can he cancel his contract and decide to leave Facility 5 or is he really a prisoner now ?
    He also appears on videos with different trousers : does that mean that Facility 5 changed his prison uniform ?
    Thank you for your informations
    And stay healthy in this pandemic !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your questions, I have been a real prisoner since the moment I signed the contracts. At Facility 5, they have a 3 party contract system, you entrust your 3rd party with the power to own you and give up complete control of your freedom. That 3rd party contracts Facility 5 to imprison you and from that point forward, you are a real prisoner, you have absolutely no choices. Only your 3rd party can choose how you spend your time in prison and how long you will remain there. I have absolutely no choices in prison. If my girlfriend continues to pay Facility 5 to keep me imprisoned, I will have no choice but to remain imprisoned until she stops paying.

      Once I get permission to vlog from prison, even you can contribute to my extension through the patreon that will be set up, so anyone can give money to keep me imprisoned longer and I wont have any choice but to stay locked up, until the money runs out.

      As far as trousers, there has been no video posted that shows me in Facility 5. All video that has been posted has been recorded in a bedroom in the basement of my house. I have not been given permission to record in the prison and right now I am home on furlough, but expect to be going back to prison soon.

      They did change the uniform in the punishment cells slightly in the time I was in there. As far as the general uniform for regular prisoners, its a variation of grey leggings, grey shirt, long sleeve usually, but some wear short sleeve. There is a long t-shirt that goes over that, which is color coded based on your status in the prison, you are only really required to wear that shirt when you are outside of your cell. While in your cell, you can go naked if you want, there really is no mandatory dress code while you are in your cell.

      Undewear is optional and because it includes laundering and pick/delivery to your cell for the life of the article, they embroider your prisoner ID in them and they are very expensive. I cant afford to buy underwear, so I have been without in my regular cell. However, strangely, they do offer plastic underwear to prisoners in the punishment cells, but no leggings.


      1. Dear Prisoner 830506,
        As far as I understand, while in punishment cell you were naked but with double shackles : how did you feel then, with that “naked” uniform ? What could you do during the time they kept you there ? And what conditions did you have to fulfill to go to a regular cell ?

        When out of the punishment cell, did you have to work for them ? Like Hard labour or Slave work ?

        Do you want people to contribute to your GF’s fund in order to enable her to keep you in jail ?


      2. My first month in the punishment cells on standby, I was kept naked, all the way up to the time I was released on furlough. It was very degrading and humiliating. When I returned from my first furlough, they put me in ICC (Indefinite Consolidated Confinement), they had made changes to the regular punishment uniform, changing them to paper gowns with the option of plastic underwear, but nothing else was provided, so those who didnt like the plastic underwear, were pretty much naked anyway, the gown doesnt cover much while sitting, specially with your knees up, which is most of the time in such confinement. The first plastic underwear were opaque, like paper with plastic coating, which rubbed off and those became ruined quickly, so they chained to all plastic, they were white, but when wet, they were transparent.

        I had to suffer through 1 month in the punishment cells at first and then an additional 3 months of Consolidated Confinement to get into a regular cell, it was enough.

        As part of my new contract, to get into the lower level luxury cell, my status in the prison was set to zero, which requires me to perform mandatory labor, 10 hours of which are done for no pay. The first job they had me working was restroom cleaning, it was disgusting. The 2nd job and my position when I was allowed out on my 2nd furlough, was dishwasher, or more to the point, tray washer. Me and my labor partner stand in front of a steaming hot machine and wash meal trays for 3-4 hours every single day. Its a crap job, but its better than cleaning toilets with bare hands with only a soapy rag.

        Because the lower level luxury cell is more expensive, it has reduced my sentence by half, so I will need outside help to extend my imprisonment, so I can make the web series and vlogs from the cell. Those things are still not allowed and its going to take time to get permission when I get back to prison, so the longer I can be extended, the better.

        I have already been through the hard part, I am not afraid of a long sentence in the regular cell, I think the longer I am locked up, the easier it will become, just like my time in Consolidated Confinement.


      3. Dear SIX, Prisoner 830506,

        You say that they left you naked during your first month of “serving your sentence”.
        Did they also give you a good head shave leaving you with a bare head ?




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