Q & A Wednesday

I will be getting my call from Six on Wednesday this week, so if you have questions for him, comment here or you can email private questions to ShackledBareFeet@hotmail.com.

I have gotten a few questions there already, I have decided that rather than type his responses to email or here, I will record the call and make another video with his verbal responses.

So, if you have any questions about what its like to be locked up on consolidated confinement, now is the time.

12 thoughts on “Q & A Wednesday

  1. I have a few questions that I hope Six can/be allowed to answer, now or perhaps later:

    1- From what Six can see, what proportion of male to female inmates is there in Facility 5?
    2- What is the typical sentence length among those inmates Six has met?
    3- What’s the maximum sentence he’s heard of so far? Is that person still there?
    4- Are there prisoners that are not allowed to communicate outside the prison at all, aside from the 3rd party?
    5- Are there prisoners with interesting special restrictions, per 3rd party instructions?

    I’ll stop here for now. I hope this is a good start.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi GF,

    Thank you for post this Vlog from Six. It is not too long, in fact it is not long enough. He has shone again throughout the narration with his superb film-making and script writing skills.

    You and Six has entered a trying phase of his discovery adventures with no firm ending date. The underground, dank, cold and utterly filthy living condition is deplorable. In the audio, there are several times he was coughing – not the light dry cough. He is still recovering from the flu with this residual cough. With rotations every 3 days it is not helping to halt the flu virus spreading further. It has potential serious consequence not just for Six whom we are worried about the most. Did F5 administer the flu shots for everyone? In the State here, if an institution has a virus breakout, the city/county/state public health agencies will take swift actions and citing unhealthy unsanitary conditions.

    With his stamina, endurance, resilience, quick adaptability and abidance, along with your firm support he will pull through this most difficult period of the project (Winter is here Spring and Summer are not around the corner yet). And if I may speak for all of us, Six has our full unwavering support for his worthy extraordinary singular project.

    With you as his only lifeline to the outside, the 3-words he expressed in March 06 vlog about the weekly call is ringing loud and clear right now. It is super idea to have a QandA segment, but the weekly call is primary for you two, whatever available time remaining to do the QA will be fine. Again you have to do the post-production work. Thank you again in advance.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. What doesnt kill you, makes you stronger. He is doing fine, physically. The flu has passed.

      I am sure he will be doing another Q and A when he gets to the cell.


  3. Hello GF “six” and “six.
    At the beginning of this year, I wish you both the very best for 2020.
    Certainly, presented like this is almost torture.
    As the year passed I had a big thought for “six” in the back of his cell shackled with his fellow inmates.
    I would like to know how he lived through that week of holidays outside which must be very dull in a cell and even more so when you are not alone.
    Thank you in advance.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Consolidated confinement is torture, but I have found that if you take away his choices, he is really good at adapting to a situation.

      If you give him an inch, he will procrastinate and complain the whole way, but I found out while enslaving him, that if you threaten him with punishment and be really strict with him, he performs very well under those conditions.

      I dont think I could survive in the situation he has been kept for the past few months, but he has handled it very well.

      I like to think that my enslavement helped him cope with difficult situations.


  4. Been thinking of Six lately. I hope he, as well as GF Six, are both happy and well. There hasn’t been much news of late but I hope all is well.
    One question has come to mind about life in Facility 5: is Six getting haircuts? It must surely be much longer by now, not to mention a beard, unless there are standards enforced. If so, would the women inmates be subject to haircuts? Just curious.


    1. Thanks, I am well. I spoke to six a few days ago he is doing ok.

      Six has not gotten a hair cut since his imprisonment, but they do require prisoners to shave during their weekly shower.


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